Things to do with a baby

And so I am getting married soon... For some reason, instead of thinking about family planning and sending my future kid to what school, I had a list of things to do with my kid....

I'll capture his/her funny moment... just to show him/her and have a good laugh in the future...

I'll make him/her a nice birthday cake...

And make them wear animal suit...

Make him/her famous...

Or awesome

Make him a beard

Make her looked funny

Bring her to zoo

Or zoo them when they are not bahaved

Make her obey...

and punish him if he does not

Hopefully he does not grow up hating me... hahaha...

Why do I have a feeling I may not be ready for parenting yet?

For those who has not have a baby yet:

Have a good weekend

Things to do with a baby Things to do with a baby Reviewed by Sin Tan on 19:21 Rating: 5


  1. HHAHAHAHAHA!!! i like the phrase in the last pic!!! hahahahaha!! laugh die me

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Your children are so going to hate you i tell you !!!! :D :D

  3. I think it's a transition stage, once we settle down, slowly the motherly/ fatherly instinct will kick in. shun qi zi ran bah! :)


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