About succeeding in life

We all have our hard times now and then...

Sometimes are due to work...

Some are due to careless family member...

Sometimes are due to friends...

Sometimes because nobody understands us...

Sometimes because nobody wants to understand us...

When we are sad by independent incident, it is good that we try to suck it up and remind ourselves that we are actually living a good life by recognizing these 25 signs:
1. Your relationships are less dramatic than they use to be.

2. You may not have as much money as you want but you live a rich life.

3. You are not afraid to ask for help and support.

4. Where you live feels like home.

5. You have raised your standards.

6. You let go of things that do not make you feel good.

7. You have moments where you appreciate who you see in the mirror.

8. You are working on limiting your inner critic and consciously choosing more positive thoughts.

9. You have learned that setbacks and failure are part of self-growth.

10. You have a support system that includes people who would do anything for you.

11. You hear “I love you” often, from friends, family or a partner.

12. You’ve accepted what you can’t change, but change what you can’t accept.

13. You do not complain much, but instead focus on solutions.

14. You don’t blame your parents, and accept them for who they are.

15. You stopped caring about what others think of you (does not mean to hurt others' feeling ignorantly)

16. You are happy for your exes when they move on.

17. You can celebrate others’ successes.

18. You allow yourself to feel your feelings and are comfortable sharing them.

19. You have passions that you pursue.

20. You’re able to accept compliments without deflecting.

21. You have things to look forward to.

22. You have goals that have come true.

23. You have empathy for others.

24. You feel connected to your work.

25. You love deeply and open yourself up to be loved by others.

Have a good weekend people...

I got roughly 19 of them there, how many do you have?
reference (exclude pics) source:
About succeeding in life About succeeding in life Reviewed by Sin Tan on 19:37 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. wooaahh.. how come you got 19/25??? which 6 that are not included in your list?

    the #23 is funny wei !!! hahahaha..


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